We've been photographing the changing landscape and architecture of Schoharie County in upstate New York for more than twenty years using a 4X5 view camera.

The images have been published by WW Norton & Co. in a book entitled: TIME WEARING OUT MEMORY, SCHOHARIE COUNTY with an introduction by Jeffrey Lent, author of  In the Fall and Lost Nation.

"Without a trace of easy nostalgia, these sharp-edged photographs arrest the eye and reawaken the human fascination with architecture, landscape, history, and the forces of decay."
-Billy Collins, two termed U.S. Poet Laureate 

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Richard Moe, President, National Trust for Historic Preservation says:
"These haunting and eloquent photographs were taken in a present-day corner of upstate New York, but they are links with the America that used to be. The houses, barns and stores they depict are a diverse lot – some stand proudly square-cornered and handsome, others are literally falling apart – but they share something in common: They connect us with the unheralded artisans who created them and the nameless families who lived and labored in them. Steve Gross and Susan Daley have done us a great favor by reminding us of the fragility of that connection – and the importance of keeping it intact so that it can continue to enrich our communities and inform our lives."